Joined residents of Matathia village, Kijabe Ward in Lari Sub-County during the funeral of Mr Peter Mwaura Mbugua, Mr Joseph Mburu Kaniaru, Mr Bernard Kinyanjui Ndicho who were victims of a landslide that affected the area on May 16. May God comfort the families of the deceased persons for the loss, and may he continue giving them the strength to overcome the grief. We urge our people to remain vigilant and observe their safety during the heavy rains. Those living in flood—and landslide-prone areas are advised to move to higher ground or seek alternative places to live until the situation normalises. My administration has deployed excavators, backhoes, flashing units, and personnel to unclog drainages as part of our efforts to mitigate floods, and we continue to provide humanitarian aid to the affected families. Present were Woman Rep Hon Anne Wamuratha, area MCA Hon Hon. Nyutu Wamwere , Hon Josphat Kinyanjui (Lari/Kirenga), Hon Beth Wanjiku (Nyanduma), Kungu Smart (Kiamwangi)