Solarisation of boreholes set to save costs on power

In the lush green landscapes of Kiambu County, access to clean water has always been a vital concern for the local communities. With the increasing demand for water supply, the Kikuyu Water and
Sanitation Company embarked on an innovative project to solarise boreholes in the region. Among  these boreholes, Riu 2 was chosen as the pilot site for solarisation.
In July 2020, the solar project was officially commissioned, marking the beginning of a sustainable solution to the water supply challenges faced by the residents of Kiambu County. However, it is worth noting that while Riu 1 and Riu 2 boreholes shared one electricity meter, only Riu 2 borehole was solarised as part of the initial phase of the project.
Jane Murage, the Managing Director of the Kikuyu Water and Sanitation Company, emphasised the significance of this solarisation initiative. She highlighted the importance of conducting a comprehensive
cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the solarisation project. According to her, the
results of the analysis were promising.
“A cost analysis pre and post-solarisation shows a cost saving of Kshs. 737,244 in an 8-month period.
This correlates to a 24 percent cost saving,” said Jane Murage.
The data collected over the 8-month period revealed substantial cost savings attributed to the
solarisation of the Riu 2 borehole. The savings were particularly noticeable during certain months, with December, January, and February showing the highest cost savings compared to July, August, and
September. This disparity in savings could be attributed to the varying weather conditions experienced
throughout the year.
“During the colder months, such as December, January, and February, the region experienced longer periods of sunshine, which maximised the efficiency of the solar panels. Conversely, the cloudier
weather during July, August and September resulted in lower solar energy production, leading to fewer cost savings during these months,” said the MD.
Despite these fluctuations, the overall cost savings achieved through solarisation was significant and demonstrated the economic viability of investing in renewable energy solutions for water supply infrastructure. The success of the Riu 2 solarisation project served as a testament to the  potential
benefits of expanding similar initiatives to other boreholes in the region.
The positive outcomes of the solar project extended beyond just cost savings. By reducing the reliance on grid electricity, the project also contributed to mitigating environmental impact. Solar energy is a clean and renewable resource, which aligns with the goals of sustainable development and
environmental conservation.
Furthermore, the use of solar in boreholes enhanced the reliability and resilience of the water supply system. In areas prone to power outages or grid failures, solar-powered boreholes can continue operating autonomously, ensuring uninterrupted access to clean water for the communities they serve.
As the solarisation project proved to be a resounding success, the Kikuyu Water and Sanitation Company  began exploring opportunities to replicate similar initiatives across other boreholes in Kiambu County.
By leveraging renewable energy technologies, such as solar power, the company aimed to enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and affordability of water supply services for all residents.
The county is taking proactive steps to reduce electricity bills by planning to drill boreholes and later solarise them.

Boreholes provide access to groundwater, offering a sustainable water source for the  community. By harnessing solar energy to power these boreholes, the county can significantly cut down
on electricity costs while also promoting renewable energy use. This initiative not only benefits the
county financially but also contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil

Kiambu Goes Green

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi (centre),  with his Deputy Rosemary Kirika and other leaders during the launch of Kiambu Solar street lighting project, as part of the urban transformation plan.

By Marion Kanari
The County Government of Kiambu has adopted use of renewable energy in all its
operations effective immediately.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi has declared progressive abandonment of grid
power due to unsustainable power and maintenance bills.
In a momentous occasion launching shift to solar street lighting, Governor Wamatangi
has reiterated the unsustainable 1.26B annual power bill for streetlights, hospitals, water
companies, County offices and Fire stations.
“While we are not completely disconnecting from the Kenya Power grid, we aim to
progressively transition to solar energy”. Governor Wamatangi.
The ambitious program, dubbed “Angaza Kiambu” promises to usher in a new era of
clean and renewable energy in the wake of rising cost of electricity.
The Governor has directed all County Departments to solarize all projects going forward
as a measure to align with the global call to urgently reduce carbon emissions.
The Governor has challenged Members of the County Assembly and national
Parliament to fast tract policy and enactment of law on renewable energy and zero
rating wind power respectively as part of securing a brighter and greener future for the
Majority Leader Godfrrey Mucheke while echoing Wamatangi’s sentiments called on
Members of Parliament to introduce law and policies that support the call to embrace
renewable energy.
Wamatangi while appealing to all stakeholders to support the shift to solar noted that
Government agencies like Kura, Kerra, Kenya Power and REREC have been putting up
streetlights across the County, leaving the burden of bills to the County Government.
This he notes has left the County Government with; exorbitant power bills, occasional
disruptions caused by power outages and disconnections due to unpaid bills.
According to the Chief Officer Public Works and Utilities Virginia Kahonge, solar
streetlights have a life span of 20 years as compared to grid connected lights which last
a maximum of 5years; they are less prone to vandalism and insect swarming, reliable,
efficient and have minimal maintenance cost.
During the event, the governor unveiled 4 containers containing 6,000 solar streetlights,
to be installed across the County this month.
County Assembly Sectoral Committee Chair Kamenu Ward MCA Peter Mburu
committed to push the passage of the County Supplementary budget which will see the
installation of the newly launched 6,000 solar lights by September 2024.

The County has 19,621 grid connected streetlights which culminate into an annual
power and maintenance bill of over 260M while 120 hospitals with an estimated annual
power bill of 500M.
A cost-benefit analysis of the Riu Nderi borehole in Ondiri Kikuyu, which strongly
supported switching to solar power, shows savings of Ksh.737,244 over eight months,
translating to an impressive 24 percent reduction in costs after solarization.
County Executive Committee Member RTPWU Mburu Kangethe, while supporting the
call to embrace solar energy also notes that the savings from abandoning grid will be
used to improve County infrastructure.

The journey towards Thika Industrial Smart City kicks off


Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi  explains to President William Ruto and Kirinyaga Council of Governors’ chairperson Anne Waiguru about a model of the proposed Thika Industrial Smart City by Kiambu County, during the official opening of the 8th Annual Devolution Conference at Eldoret Sports Club in Uasin Gishu County, on August 16, 2023

By  Enock Maroa

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi has revamped his quest to make Thika the first City in Mt Kenya region by end of this year, which the governor says will generate 50, 000 job opportunities and spur economy.

The governor has reignited the process by establishing a fresh ad hoc committee to midwife the town’s elevation into an industrial smart city, and Mr Wamatangi said will culminate in President William Ruto conferring it with a charter.

Mr Wamatangi initiated the process last year but was forced to shelve it after a section of politicians, among them an elected leader in the Sub-County, sabotaged it by disrupting the public participation process in what was linked to selfish political interests.
The county chief gazetted representatives from the business community, Kenya Institute of Planners, Kenya Institute of Public Accountants, Kenya Institute of Architecture, Law Society of Kenya, Association of Urban Areas and Cities, and Kenya Institute of Planners as committee member.
According to the Friday Gazette notice, Ms Sylvia Kasanga will represent architects, Mr Gitu Kahengeri (lawyers), Mr Zachary Ng’ang’a (Urban Areas and Cities), Mr T.G Ndorongo (planners), Ms Jeanter Warigia (accountants), Mr Julius Macharia (Surveyors) and Ms Cecilia Mwangi to represent business community.
In the notice, the governor said the committee’s mandate will be “to consider and determine that Municipality of Thika meets the requisite criteria of classification as a city, advise and make recommendations for the conferment of City status to the Municipality of Thika.”
Thika whose location makes it the gateway to Mt Kenya, part Eastern and North Eastern regions,  is considered one of the fastest-growing towns in Kenya due to the numerous industries, learning institutions which includes Mt Kenya University and Gretsa University, and well-laid transport and communication systems, which improved its economic growth and population to over 500, 000 people.
According to the Governor, once upgraded to a city, Thika will attract grants of approximately Sh1 billion per year for infrastructural development, including road tarmacking, drainage, street lighting, water connectivity, and a sewerage system, among other things.
“Upon attaining city status, Thika will experience substantial benefits, including infrastructural development, improved social standards, economic growth through the establishment of new businesses, increased property values, and economic empowerment via a 24-hour economy.
This elevation will enhance the County’s international visibility, opening doors for various opportunities and collaborations on the global stage. That is why I have set my sights on achieving this,” Mr Wamatangi said.
The governor said projects to give Thika befitting city status were in motion. These include the proposed dualling of a section of Thika-Garrisa road and increasing water capacity at Sh5.7 billion, which he successfully lobbied for during a meeting with the president on October 23, 2022, at the State House.
Also on the list is the Economic Processing Zone (EPZ), which has already been gazetted after Mr Wamatangi set aside 324 acres of the ceded Delmote Land, 25,000 affordable housing units, an international-standard stadium whose first phase is underway, markets and hospitals.
The County has also partnered with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to manage waste better at the Kang’oki dumpsite that adopts inventive semi-aerobic landfill techniques.
Further, according to County Executive Committee Member of Housing, Planning, and Urban Development Salome Wainaina, the county upgrading the Kiandutu informal settlement, which has since been renamed Diaspora.
Ms Muthoni said the County had set aside Sh150 million for the infrastructure projects in the area, which include bitumen-standard roads, walkways, a social hall, drainage, high-mast floodlights, and 5,000 title deeds for residents living in the settlement.
Mr Martin Kagiri, the County Director of Municipal Partnerships and Coordination of Urban Areas, said data on social and physical infrastructure, revenue generation, land use, population, and development control have already been gathered, putting the process of making Thika a city at 60 per cent.
Following the committee’s creation, Mr Kangiri said, the county would begin public participation, write a report, and then draft a charter and an integrated development plan to be presented to the County Assembly for approval.
“Upon approval by the County Assembly, the report will be presented to the Senate for deliberation and adoption, with subsequent submission to President William Ruto for the designation of Thika town as a Smart City,” Mr Kagiri said.

New bus parks, improved infrastructure to bring new order in the transport sector

Artistic impression of all Kiambu bus parks under construction

The fast-growing number of people and urbanisation in Kiambu County is putting a lot of
pressure on the roads and transportation system. This has led to crowded streets,
disorderly transport services and dangers for everyone using the roads.
To address these challenges, the Department of Roads, Transport, Public Works and
Utilities is undertaking several initiatives. This includes the construction of 7 bus parks
and the rehabilitation of hundreds of kilometres of roads, complete with walkways and
storm water drains.
Progress updates indicate that upgrading to cabro construction is currently underway,
with Kiambu at 80 percent completion, Lower Kikuyu at 60 percent and Banana bus
parks at 10 percent. Additionally, engineers are in the process of designing Githiga,
Kwambira and Kwa Maiko Bus parks.
The proposed Kwambira bus park, located at the Total Petrol Station before the
Mutarakwa Junction, aims to alleviate passenger pick-up and drop-off along the Nairobi-
Nakuru highway, as well as attract Matatu Saccos to operate routes to Narok and
Suswa, ultimately relieving congestion at the main Limuru Bus Park.
Furthermore, the existing Githiga bus park, serving Matatus travelling to Kiambu,
Githunguri, Limuru and other areas, will be upgraded to cabro standards.
Nancy Wambugu, the Transport Director, emphasises that these efforts aim to
decongest urban areas and reduce travel distances for road users. “Matatu users from
Ngewa have to commute all the way to Githunguri to connect to Nairobi and Kiambu,
the bus park therefore will ease congestion and pressure at Githunguri Bus park and
ease mobility for Ngewa residents,” says Wambugu.
She adds that plans are underway to commence phase two of Makongeni Bus Park by
upgrading existing small scale trader’s shacks to modern kiosks after its tarmacking in
January 2014.
Ensuring inclusivity and safety for all road users, including the 12,267 registered Public
Service Vehicles within Kiambu County, the Directorate of Transport has activated the
County Transport and Safety Committee. This committee is tasked with developing
policies related to road safety, establishing safety standards for transportation modes,
and implementing public awareness campaigns.Inaugurating the committee, Acting CECM Wilfred Kiara stressed the importance of
regularising all public transport operations, especially with the increase in tuktuk
operators, to ensure the safety of road users.
“To improve interconnectivity, open up new roads in upcoming residential areas and
rehabilitate existing feeder roads the directorate of Roads has established a roads
maintenance unit, identified and excavated public quarries, using County equipment
and manpower to reduce cost of roads construction,” said the CECM. The unit in a bid
to cover the 4,300KM of County Roads Coverage has so far rehabilitated over 800
To support continuous economic growth, mobility and security for traders, motorists,
and the county at large, the Directorate of Utilities conducts routine maintenance and
servicing of street lights throughout the county.
Given the proximity and growth of Nairobi and other counties towards Kiambu, coupled
with its population of 2.4 million, urban population growth is inevitable. Hence, there's a
pressing need for comprehensive public infrastructure, increased security measures,
and urban connectivity.
The Department of Roads, Transport, Public Works and Utilities is committed to
improving the county's road network, ensuring the safety of road users, and meeting the
mobility needs of people and businesses. It aims to build upon existing planning
practices with a focus on integration, inclusivity and participation.

Farmers enjoy bumper harvest after receiving seeds, fertilizer

Margaret Wangari, a beneficiary of Kiambu County Government’s maize and seeds distribution programme.

Farmers in Kiambu are enjoying a bumper harvest of maize from their farms
following the county government’s initiative, where they have been receiving
certified seeds and fertilizer.
The programme to give farms inputs is part of Governor Kimani Wamatangi’s
plan to tackle food insecurity and economic empowerment.
Most farmers are now harvesting maize, while for others; the crop is almost
maturing in farms.
The Governor has since last year been distributing free hybrid maize and crop
fertilizer to farmers across the county, and according to the County Executive
Committee Member for Agriculture Mwenda Kiara, over 300,000 farmers have
received farm inputs from the county administration.
“We have made deliberate intentions to ensure food security in the county by
providing farm inputs to farmers. Even in the coming season, we are prepared
to give inputs to over 60,000 farmers across the agricultural zones in our
county,” Mr Mwenda said.
Ms Esther Wariara from Githunguri Sub-County is one of the beneficiaries of
the free maize seeds and fertilizer from the county government of Kiambu.
She received the farm inputs in September of last year and planted them on
her farm, and now, she is harvesting the crop.
“Before we started getting the farm inputs, I struggled to access quality seeds,
which would affect the yield. Today, those people seeking maize flour in the
local shop are making minimal sales because almost everyone in the
community is harvesting maize from their farms,” she said.
Ms Margaret Wangari from Kwa Maiko in Ngewa Ward, in Githunguri Sub-
County, said the county government has been ensuring that before rains start,
farmers are always ready with seeds and fertilizer.
She is harvesting the crop she planted in September last year and already has
seeds for planting in the next season.
Mr David Wathika from Kihenjo village in Kaburu Ward, Lari Sub-County,
received the farm inputs in November last year and immediately planted on his
small farm.
He has also been receiving visits from extension officers from the county
government for advice on best farming practices. He expects to start
harvesting from next month.

Governor Wamatangi says the free farm inputs are meant to cushion the
farmers who, he said, incurred huge losses due to the prolonged drought that
hit the country between 2020 and early to mid-2023, which left many people
grappling with hunger.
President William Ruto has lauded farmers in Kiambu, saying that after a
prolonged severe food shortage, the country was on a recovery trajectory, and
Kiambu County had emerged among the top food producers.

Wamatangi’s early morning strategy that brought positive change in Kiambu

Governor Kimani Wamatangi presiding over a management meeting at his office. The meetings happen everyday from 6:30 am. Photo: Ayub Muiyuro

‘The Kiambu Report’ writer

Every day, at the crack of dawn, Governor Kimani Wamatangi is already seated in his office,
prepared to address the needs of his people. Since taking office, the Governor has not only made it a habit but a rule to be at his desk by 5 am.
This new approach has been embraced by the county government’s management, instilling a culture
of early office attendance to strategise for the day ahead. This shift in mindset has led to the
implementation of daily management meetings among top county officials. These sessions focus on
thoughtful discussions and planning to devise effective strategies for “Making Kiambu Great Again.”
In contrast to other government offices where officials typically arrive after 8 am merely to hang their coats before leaving, the Kiambu County Government maintains a strict routine.
Here, all top county officials are required to participate in a daily management meeting within the Governor’s office, spanning from 6:30 am to 9 am. This session serves the purpose of planning and discussing the government’s agenda, aligning it with the governor’s manifesto and addressing the people’s priorities.
Governor Wamatangi presides over the meeting, while the County Secretary’s office records the
minutes. Additionally, the governor personally takes notes for follow-up and action.
The meeting involves each department presenting their respective work plans, action points and
timelines. Progress on previously presented projects and programs is reported, with CECMs or chief officers delivering PowerPoint presentations on a large screen mounted on the wall.
Governor Wamatangi actively contributes to the meeting, offering input that includes adjustments,
corrections, and guidance to ensure precision in the execution of plans.
Unlike many other organisations where heads of institutions tend to adopt a one-man-show
approach, Governor Wamatangi emphasises a style that fosters collective responsibility in running
the county.
According to him, this approach not only enhances transparency and accountability but also ensures that all departmental heads openly share their plans. Moreover, it contributes to increased effectiveness and efficiency.
“The meetings help us understand our position in terms of project plans and execution in each
department. They prevent us from working in silos. Everyone comprehends the activities of each
department and when a program spans multiple departments, they collaborate in its implementation, avoiding a one-man-show approach,” notes Mr. Wamatangi.
The planning department is mandated to have the budget ready and the governor has issued a
directive that all call tenders must be paid within 14 days or a maximum of 30 days upon delivery
and completion.
Individuals who have previously worked with Wamatangi, whether in his private businesses or
during his Senate tenure, attest that early morning planning meetings are his modus operandi.
They describe him as a hands-on leader who values tidiness and dedication in all his endeavours.
Wamatangi expects the management team to emulate his approach and instil the culture he has
introduced in their subordinates.
In a marked departure from the previous regime, where offices were dilapidated with an unkempt
compound, the county offices today undergo regular renovation and are freshly painted. The
premises feature a lush green lawn that receives daily watering, reflecting a commitment to
maintaining a conducive and aesthetically pleasing work environment.
Mr. James Njuguna, the Chief of Staff, emphasises the importance of the meetings in monitoring the implementation of county projects. In certain instances, departments are required to provide daily updates on specific projects. \According to Njuguna, the primary objective of these meetings is to foster a sense of collective responsibility among the leadership regarding the county’s management.
He explains: “The meetings provide a platform for leadership to engage in discussions. Members
collaborate to enhance proposals, departments offer mutual support, and the governor assumes the
role of monitoring, evaluating, and guiding progress based on the action points.
The action points are aligned with the timelines set by each department.”
This approach ensures that every CECM and chief officer is familiar with the programs of other
departments. They are directed to support one another, preventing any department from falling
behind and ensuring effective service delivery.
Osman Korar, the CEC for Youth, Sports and Communication, highlights the benefit of discussing
programs in other departments during these meetings. He notes: “When making presentations, the
governor and the rest of the team provide constructive feedback to enrich ideas or introduce new
perspectives. It exemplifies teamwork as we collectively strive to enhance Kiambu.”

Boost as hospitals get state-of-the-art medical equipment


Kiambu County Health Services Chief Officer Dr Patrick Nyagah (right) explains to Governor Kimani Wamatangi (second right) and other county leaders and county officials about a new Ultrasound machine, which is part of an assortment of specialized medical equipment that was delivered to the county on March 5, 2024. PHOTO AYUB MUIYURO


The County Government has procured an assortment of specialised medical
equipment worth approximately Sh500 million, which will be installed in various
health facilities across the county.
The various equipment received by Governor Kimani Wamatangi at the County
Headquarters were flagged off to their final destinations.
According to the county chief, the equipment are meant to enhance the delivery of
services in all cadres of health facilities in the County.
They include digital X-ray machines, digital ultrasound machines, patient monitors,
BGA machines, , infusion pumps, nebulizers, oxygen concentrators, oxygen flow
meters, suction machines, and dental X-ray machines.
Others are Sonic Aid foetal scopes, pulse oximeters, emergency stretchers, gauze
cutters, portable examination lights, wheelchairs, delivery beds, hydraulic mortuary
trolleys, portable drip stands, and HBC machines.
According to the Department of Health Services, the X-ray machines will be
delivered to Thika, Gatundu, Kihara, Karuri, and Igegania hospitals to boost
capacity, while the modern ultrasound machines are for Gatundu, Kihara, Ruiru,
Nyathuna, and Karuri hospitals.
Governor Wamatangi said the consignment was part of a work-plan development of
his administration to equip all the facilities after a need assessment informed the
gaps in hospitals which are now being filled.
“We have always had an issue with our hospitals, whereby `most of them did not
have the equipment, or the existing ones were kept breaking down; this really
hampered our service delivery, but with what we now have, we will improve on our
services, and we still have more consignment coming. We are equipment to our level
three hospitals. We have also planned how we will equip the new hospitals
that we are building,”; Governor Wamatangi said.
According to the Governor, the additional equipment also includes C-T  Scan
machines and assorted equipment for laboratories and theatres that will be installed
in level four and level five facilities.
Two weeks ago, the County commissioned state-of-the-art X-ray and ultrasound
machines to revamp CT-scan services at Gatundu Level 5 Hospital, with the governor
saying by delivering the equipment, he aims to ensure swift and accurate medical
assessments within the facility and to reinforce our pledge to prioritize the well-being
of our people.
The County Executive Committee Member in charge of Health, Dr. Elias Maina, said
ofthe delivered equipment Gatundu Hospital would also receive 12 patient monitors,
eight infusion pumps, BGA machines, wheelchairs, nebulizers, and gauze cutters. At
the same time, Igenania Hospital will be equipped with an X-ray machine, portable
drip stands, oxygen flow meters, gauze cutters, and dental X-ray machines.
Casualty departments of Kiambu, Thika, Gatundu, Ruiru, Tigoni, and Kihara
hospitals will receive wheelchairs for patients in emergencies.
Other hospitals that receive a medical equipment catalogue include Kiambu, Thika,
Ruiru, Lari, Tigoni, Nyathuna, and Wangige, while Githunguri, which is a new level four hospital under construction, is expected to receive equipment worth Sh300
million through a partnership between the national and county governments.
The County has also completed a drugstore in Ruiru to be used as a central medical
facility where all of its supply orders for pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceuticals
will be housed before being dispersed to the 114 hospitals throughout the County.
Dr. Esther Kamau, the County Head of the Health Technologies and Products Unit,
said the facility would enable the County to refill pharmaceuticals to all facilities on
time by eradicating delays caused by procurement bottlenecks.
The County is actively working towards integrating all level two and three facilities
into the NHIF system to streamline healthcare services and ensure that registered
residents can avail themselves of medical assistance free of charge.
This, Mr Wamatangi said, will ensure that patients who visit all the County’s 114
health facilities get outpatient and outpatient services for free as long as they are
registered with NHIF, which President William Ruto changed to Social Health
Insurance Fund as part of his health reforms.



Governor Kimani Wamatangi’s administration has embarked on an ambitious program to transform the education sector in the county to enhance access to quality education and improve education standards.

From construction of new model ECDE centres, a feeding program where nursery school pupils enjoy nutritious uji, boiled eggs and fresh milk, increased bursary to revamping Vocational Training Centres (VTC), Kiambu is witnessing a revolution in the education sector as Wamatangi works to fulfill his “Leave No Child Behind” campaign pledge.
Since devolution in 2013, nearly all the county-owned 524 ECDE centres that should serve as children’s foundation and education bedrock have been run-down shacks with earth floors, collapsing rusty roofs, and crumbling walls with gaping holes.
However, Wamatangi is rewriting history by modernizing the ECDE centres by constructing new structures with facilities available in private kindergartens.

The County, through the Department of Education, Gender, Culture and Social Services, is currently working on 180 ECDE centres in various implementation stages, with Governor Wamatangi setting a deadline of 2026 for the completion of the modernization of all 524 ECDE centres.
“First impressions are important because they shape a person’s attitude or behavior towards something. Imagine if the children’s first exposure to schooling is in the dreadful condition of public nursery schools; how do we expect them to love learning?” Mr Wamatangi posed.
He added: “Currently, we are constructing 130 Early Childhood Education Centers (ECDE) that will be identical and will be completed in December as the first phase of a comprehensive effort to guarantee that all 524 public nursery schools are modernized in the next three years.”

Margaret Muthoni, the chief instructor at Mbariki ECDE centre in Nyanduma Ward, Lari County, which is one of the centres that have been transformed from a wooden ramshackle.

“The school’s walls were collapsing, and the floor was a mess. The general state of hygiene was very poor. Therefore, whenever we admitted kids for PPI, their parents would transfer them in the second term, blaming the schools’ bad conditions,” Muthoni said.
Muthoni said the number of pupils was consistently under 20 and that it had only recently begun to increase after the County introduced a feeding program for all 36 254 kids.

The County provides a stock of porridge flour and treys of eggs, and arrangements have been established for the centre’s administration to make the meals.
Porridge is offered daily, and eggs are also offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,  and starting on March 14, 2024, the children began getting a packet of milk once a week.

The County Executive Committee Member in charge of the department, Ms Nancy Gichung’wa, says the program aims to increase enrollment and keep kids in schools, which most have been skipping due to a lack of food.
Further, to ensure that needy students do not miss lessons in high school, colleges and universities, the County increased the annual bursary kitty from Sh100 million, which was being disbursed from 2013 to 2022.
In 2023, Governor Wamatangi tripled the kitty to Sh300 million, allocated to 72,000 students in just one year.
This year, the County has increased the amount to Sh500 million, with the governor indicating that the minimum allocation per student will be Sh5,000 for Day School Students and Sh10,000 for Boarding School students.

 To ensure that young people get opportunities to acquire technical skills, the County is currently constructing and renovating more than 10 Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) across the County.
According to Ms Emily Nkoroi, the acting chief officer in charge of Vocational Training and Social Services, the devolved unit is increasing the capacity of the 39 VTCs in the County by installing the necessary machines and equipment to ensure they can train the youth in various skills.
As part of a planned beautification and enhancement of towns in the County, the regional government is installing cabro-making machines in selected VTCs to supply the paving stones. The youth will make cabro stones and install them on streets and walkways.



Turning tides of hospitals ‘white elephant’ projects in Kiambu



Lari Level Four Hospital

By Kevin Kimaru

Infrastructure in healthcare is a pillar that significantly impacts the quality and accessibility of
healthcare services. Robust hospital facilities, well-equipped clinics and efficient equipment
maintenance are not just investments; they are fundamental components of a thriving healthcare
Governor Kimani Wamatangi’s administration, under the ‘Wealth Through Health’ vision, has
exemplified this understanding by prioritising the revival and expansion of healthcare infrastructure across the county.

Upon assuming office, Governor Wamatangi was confronted with a dire need to address the inadequate hospital infrastructure in the county.
Numerous hospitals had languished, labelled as costly white elephants that drained public funds
without delivering the intended services.

In response, he swiftly moved to revive critical facilities such as Githunguri, Thogoto, Lari, Wangige, Bibirioni and Tigoni hospitals, injecting new life into these essential healthcare hubs. His focus has been on revitalising existing hospitals and strategically
constructing new facilities to bridge gaps in healthcare access. These efforts ensure that every
citizen has equitable access to quality healthcare services.

According to the CECM Health Services Dr. Elias Maina, the County is not just looking at the stalled
projects; “we are electing 13 new level 3 facilities and building two more level four facilities.
This will ensure that we are constructing facilities within a radius of 5 kilometres.”
On the other hand, Dr. Patrick Nyaga, Chief Officer of Health Services, the County Government
launched over Sh1.5 billion in health projects since Governor Wamatangi’s tenure began.

Our approach encompasses completing stalled projects, building new facilities and undertaking extensive
renovations to modernise existing infrastructure. This holistic strategy is essential for delivering
sustainable healthcare solutions.”
Additionally, there has been significant the department has also moved to maintain equipment and facilities to deliver effective healthcare outcomes. Our goal is to create a seamless experience for both healthcare providers and patients by ensuring that equipment is modern, functional   and
regularly maintained.

Thogoto Level Four Hospital

The comprehensive efforts by Governor Wamatangi’s administration underscore a strategic vision to transform healthcare accessibility and quality across the county.

By addressing the longstanding challenges of hospital infrastructure, the county is enhancing health outcomes and safeguarding public resources through efficient project
management and maintenance practices. Investing in healthcare infrastructure goes beyond mere
construction—it is an investment in the well-being and prosperity of the County. Governor
Wamatangi’s approach exemplifies a commitment to realising the vision of ‘Wealth Through Health’ by harnessing the transformative power of robust healthcare infrastructure.

New Juja Level Four Hospital

How the sports and youth pillars are progressing in Wamatangi’s plan

By Duncan Ojijo
Governor Kimani Wamatangi has been committed to empowering the youth and harnessing talent
through sports, fulfilling the pledge he made in his election manifesto.

He has placed special emphasis on both talent development and infrastructural improvements in sporting facilities.
Given that the youth form the majority of Kiambu’s population, Governor Wamatangi has made it a priority to focus on this segment of society.

The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports has actively engaged in programs aimed at empowering young people and nurturing their talents.
In a bid to boost the sports sector and provide state-of-the-art facilities for athletes, the County, has embarked on an extensive mission to revamp sports facilities to international standards across the county.

This ambitious initiative aims to enhance the quality of sporting events by fostering a vibrant sporting culture within the community.
“We are committed to providing world-class facilities to nurture and empower our talented sportsmen and women in Kiambu County,” said Ali Osman, CEC Member for Youth Affairs, Sports and Communication.

“These upgrades have been tailor-made to benefit athletes while still providing
recreational spaces for the entire community.”
One of the flagship projects currently underway is the transformation of Kanjeru Stadium in Gitaru Ward. Upon completion, the stadium will boast two football fields – one dedicated for training and the main field equipped with a standard running track, spectator stands, two tennis courts, and a basketball court.

This multifaceted project has been designed to accommodate a diverse range of sporting
activities and cater to the needs of both athletes and spectators alike.
Similarly, Thika Stadium has undergone significant transformation. Closed to the public since January 2024 to expedite renovations, the stadium is receiving a two-phase upgrade.

Phase one focuses on  practical improvements, including completing the stalled spectator stands to increase seating capacity, leveling the pitch, and constructing 100 business stalls for local traders.

Phase two will introduce exciting new features like a modern athletics track, a swimming pool, a gymnasium, and an additional 200 stalls
around the stadium perimeter.
The initiative extends beyond major stadiums with Kagwe Stadium in Nyanduma ward, Lari Sub-county, currently undergoing leveling, compacting, and fencing works to improve its facilities. Similarly, Kirangari Polytechnic in Nyathuna ward is witnessing significant progress in its leveling and compacting endeavors, signaling a promising future for sports supporters in the area.
The Department has also already awarded tenders for upcoming upgrades at Ruiru Stadium, Gikambura Super 99 Grounds in Kikuyu, and Githunguri Stadium.
The Department hasn’t overlooked smaller fields either as several facilities have already been leveled and compacted, including Theta Ground in Juja Sub-county, Stage 46 Ground in Mwohoko- Ruiru Sub- county, SP Ground in Malaba Witeithie Ward- Juja Sub-county, Kamirithu Primary School Grounds in Ruiru Sub-county, Kiambu Primary and Kamunyonge Grounds in Kiambu Sub-county, and a volleyball court in Limuru Stadium among others.
This county-wide effort signifies a strong commitment to nurturing a vibrant sporting culture in Kiambu.
With these upgraded facilities, residents can expect a significant boost in athletic opportunities and community recreation.